Vote for Our Island

on May 6th


Our Island is a new way of working for local politics on the Isle of Wight. We’re not about national parties or arguments or national issues. We will work together to support the entire Isle of Wight community. What unites us is that we all care about one thing, what is best for Our island - the Isle of Wight.

Our aims are as follows:

  • To empower local voices.

  • To improve the quality of local politics by ensuring the focus is on what is best for the Isle of Wight.

  • To restore engagement and trust between the Island and the Council to create a Council that that works with and for Island residents and businesses 

  • To change the way issues are considered and decisions are made so that the public and Island businesses are involved at every level

  • To achieve this through a new approach and a new organisation, based upon transparency and accountability.

It’s not just a matter of getting new people into County Hall but, even more importantly, the movement will seek to completely overhaul the way the Council is structured and operates so that it can become truly representative of and responsive to the views and needs of the island Community. Everyone will be valued and everyone will have a value in the Council processes.

Our Island has been inspired by and supports the ideas and aims of Flatpack Democracy. You can find out more by visiting their website


Our Island is about creating a new ambition for the Island.  It is an organisation based solely upon the interests of the Isle of Wight and its people, promoted and realised by committed individuals working in a collaborative  partnership. 


Promoted by and on behalf of Our Island of Lilac Cottage, Upper Green Road, St Helens, Isle of Wight, PO33 1UG